27 June, 2007

michael yon widget

Things seem to really be taking off in Iraq right now, and I wanted to know more about it so I found someone who is acutally over there! I have posted what is called a "widget" on the right hand side of both of my blogs so that you can see what a reporter writes about who is actually there. It seems that he is accurate, I have read articles about him in different newspapers and he seems to be honorable and trustworthy. (I guess we can ask Ross when he gets back right?!) Anyway, his name is Michael Yon and he is a 40-year-old veteran. He was a green beret. I like what he writes anyway...so read it if you want a glimpse into what is happening. yah, the widget is there...check out Michael Yon.

His site is : http://www.michaelyon-online.com/

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