29 August, 2008

looking at cattle at lazy m ranch (and how they looked back)

We were out at the ranch a couple of days ago and the Marbles have some of the biggest cows they have had (meaning fat and strong, well nourished). we walked around and took some pictures. I have a new edition of bungaree speak for you, this is baby o's first time being featured in bungaree speak:

Setting: we are walking among the different fields of cattle, looking and uuuuuuing and awwwwing over how big and pretty they are (handsome too).

b: oh, those ones are so big and pretty aren't they boys?
j: yes they are really, REALLY big.
b: aren't cows cool? look over here there is a mamma...
o: (o interrupts) and a rabbit! (certain that her baby calf laying next to her could not possibly be a cow!)
b,j: hahaah, hahah!
b: no, o that is a baby cow called a calf, it is so much bigger than a rabbit.

enjoy some cattle pictures:

below is Marble mountain, I can't wait to hike to the top sometime!!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love yours. The pictures are great. Oh.. and congratulations on your first egg! I will come back soon and read some more.

holly b said...

love the pics. reminded me of the pasture behind our rural elementary school: they'd graze the cattle and occasionally drive them through, always a very cool event!