19 March, 2008

pretty eggs

We did easter eggs today. It was HUGE fun with jackson. I have come to the conclusion that brown eggs make the best colours, check it out!


Angel said...

wow, those are pretty eggs!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Brown eggs huh? They are lovely!

Nyssaneala said...

I've always wondered how brown eggs would work for decorating. Although we're raising our daughter Jewish in my hubby's faith, we'll probably do an occasional Easter egg hunt over the years. I'm glad to know I can use the organic brown eggs we always buy!

Have a Happy Easter!

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

thank you all...they are the most fun eggs ever! (except that we just keep eating them, so they'll be gone before easter anyway)!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are the best colours ever! I'm going to try to copy them next year :-)