20 January, 2008

Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger

Oh, my. If you have not read this book: Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger, you are completely missing out. READ IT. Not for me, for you. Even if you have read Salinger before...that is not a valid excuse, you will not encounter an even-close-to-decent-excuse, so give up. I promise that you will like it, or even love it...

this is not a choice...it is a "must read or your head will pop off kind of book"!

So I guess you know what you must do now.

let's not test it.

tell me what you think, maybe some of you have read it already?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

read it and I loved it. and you're right. I think it must be in the list of books you must read before you die :)