24 January, 2008

new blog: made in spanish.

I just started up a new blog. Yes, another one! oh, goodness...
I am in the process of realizing just how important it is that I impart my bilingualism to my children. The blog is: Made in Spanish. My goal of raising bilingual children.

The blog is in Spanish, but along the sidebar I have a computer translator for any of the English speaking folk who want to meander over. I will issue a WARNING!: the computer translator is sometimes pretty inaccurate, so keep that in mind, it is a computer and not a person so it translates literally or something, anyway I tried it and saw that it does make quite a few mistakes. But it should give you the general idea.

The reason for blogging in Spanish is that because I have absolutely NO exposure to Spanish right now, and if I am trying to speak it on a regular basis...I need to think in it, write in it and be immersed as much as possible. So, it won't only be stuff about my kids and the process, I will write in Spanish, because it is a language I love...so it should be fun!!

Today I began my mission of speaking to the boys in Spanish...jackson laughs, he thinks I am making up a language because that is what he does a lot. I will get the kinks figured out, and that is why I have a blog for it. If you know of anyone who is interested in blogging about bilingual issues send them my way. I'd love to talk with people even if they are not working with the same language pair (Spanish/English).

Wish me luck! I have resisted this long enough, the time will never get any better.
HERE WE GO! AHHHHH...Que Dios me guarde.


Ellyn Canfield said...

yay! This is exciting. The possibilities of electronic translator mistakes on your blog page are also very amusing to me. I am going to attempt a read through, and then I'll pretend to get really offended when I misinterpret it!
LOVE you! and miss you tons. i was happy for a blog post cause i really miss you!

Megan Malone said...

I've been trying to teach Sebby German which I megarly learned in high school (so it is not the most accurate). My only encouragement is to go about your everyday repeating yourself, once in english once in spanish. Sometimes I just say things to him in german, but often because I forget that I want to be teaching him it all comes out in eng. Songs are allways a good place to start, words that they all ready can understand (mom, dad, brother etc) are good places to start asking them, How do you say it in spanish?
Stick with it. You can do it.