The Chalupsky Residence is our home away from home. We go at least once a year (most years we spend 3 or 4 weekends there) and spend the night, us and several other young families. The other families are usually the daughters of the Chalupsky's, but everyone is welcome. They are family, they include people and love on you. I love Patty and Stu. And Jessica,( my maid of honour in my wedding and I her matron of honour in hers, the same summer!!!) she is one of the daughters and if I have ever had a best friend, she is it- no doubt.
I prayed for family away from family, since my parents are in Spain, my brother is married and in the military...they are the family that I prayed for in college. We met almost 10 years ago, and since day one it just worked, I was hooked. I started going there for New Year's about 9 years ago! It is one of the things I most look forward to about all our holiday celebrations.
I love all the sisters, their husbands too. I haven't ever been blessed quite like at the Chalupsky's, and when we are there it bursts out. A place of respite and love.Check out the "thief confounding" mailbox it was made by the Chalupsky's, sweet!
Part of the delight is being in the middle of nowhere, no cell reception, no cable...just people time.
Patty has chickens!!! She is now a crazy chicken lady like me.
jessica and her youngest, Russell. She and Aren have two boys too!
the neighbors have llamas, they have dreads.
Preston at 18
1 year ago
wowzie..... first AWESOMEE template Bethany... it has an awesome look :) u r a pro in this i must say :)
Lovely header
I m back from wedding :) it was on 1st Jan 2009 :) :) :)
and we have moved into a new home... where there is no internet connection sadly... i have to wait another 10 days at least... because of all the holidays this month sadly.
Hope everything is fine with you guys! and this post is so sweet... it is so so so a Big blessing to find a family like this... the pics are awesome! u r getting really good at them as well :) :)
Take good care!
VEEEEENS!!! Yay, I have really missed your sweet comments! I hope you have tons of pictures to share! :) Can't wait to hear all about your beautiful wedding. I love the colours in weddings in India, so you HAVE to post pictures.
Wow...Those animals at the end are so pretty, exotic, never seen them before...
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